Award of Excellence 2014
Custom New Residential Hegel Residence Award of Excellence 2014 Custom Residential Remodel Cochise 87 Contractor of the Year 2014 Hegel Residence Craftsman of the Year 2014 Hegel Residence Award of Excellence 2013 Custom New Residential - Entire Home The Brownstone Contractor of the Year 2013 The Brownstone Craftsman of the Year 2013 The Brownstone Award of Excellence 2011 Combination Tile and Stone 4,000 s/f The Preserve at Lincoln Award of Excellence 2010 Residential Remodel 3,000 - 6,000 s/f Fulford Residence Judges Award 2010 Natural Stone 6,000 - 9,000 s/f Grewcock Residence Award of Excellence 2008 Residential Remodel, Natural Stone 3,000 - 6,000 s/f McCarthy Residence Judges Award 2008 Combination Tile and Stone 6,000+ s/f Specketer Residence Award of Excellence 2007 Combination Tile and Stone 3,000 - 6,000 s/f Goodman-Schwartz Residence Award of Merit 2006 Combination Tile and Stone 3,000 - 6,000 s/f Kaufman Residence Award of Merit 2006 Combination Tile and Stone 6,000 s/f Calvis Residence Award of Excellence 2005 Residential Specialty Tile Award of Merit 2005 Residential Bathroom, Combination Stone and Tile Award of Excellence 2004 Residential Custom, Combination Stone and Tile over 6,000 s/f Award of Excellence 2004 Residential Remodel, Ceramic Tile under 3,000 s/f Award of Merit 2003 Ceramic Tile & Stone Specialty Carter Residence Contractor of the Year 2002 Feldman Residence Award of Excellence 2002 Custom Ceramic over 4,000 s/f Cody Residence Award of Excellence 2002 Custom Ceramic and Stone over 4,000 s/f Feldman Residence Judges Award of Excellence 2002 Natural Stone remodel Sellers Residence |
Judges Award of Custom Stone over 4,000 s/f
Montgomery Residence Contractor of the Year 2001 Lisa Residence Award of Excellence 2001 Custom Stone over 4,000 ft. Lisa Residence Award of Excellence 2000 Custom Ceramic and Stone over 4,000 ft. Heslop Residence Award of Excellence 1999 Natural Stone Remodel Wilson Residence Award of Excellence 1998 Ceramic Tile Remodel Evans Residence Award of Excellence 1998 Pavese Residence Award of Excellence 1998 Custom Ceramic and Stone Tile Phillips Residence Award of Excellence 1997 Otto Residence Award of Excellence 1997 Residential Renovation of Natural Stone Contractor of the Year 1997 Otto Residence Award of Excellence 1996 Model Homes Award of Excellence 1994 Horizontal Surface Installation Residential Award of Excellence 1991 Single Family Residence Contractor of the Year 1990 Residential, Combined Tile and Stone Award of Excellence 1990 Residential Judges Award Outstanding Installation 1990 Single Family Residence |